Fitness Success in 2021

2020 has brought us several challenges in the world of fitness and wellness.  With COVID restrictions there have been many limitations on what we can do. Gyms have been closed and then open and then closed since March. On top of that we have been working from home and living in comfortable stretchy pants since then. Stuck in our houses, for many of us the habits we had started at the beginning of the year seemingly fell away. The fitness goals we had set for the year went put the window somewhere in April when we realized that the lock-downs were going to be much longer than 2 weeks.

Now we are looking toward 2021 and wondering should we attempt to make those big fitness goals again, only see ourselves fail miserably or do we just stick with the status quo. 

I decided for 2021 I am taking a different approach to my fitness goals. I am setting goals for 90 day periods of time with what I know I have. For example, for this first block I am not setting any goals related to strength. This is not because I don’t want to work on strength, it’s because I do not have consistent access to equipment in this area. For me, this next 90 days (January-March) I am going to focus on my running and on my nutrition. Just because strength is not a goal does not mean I will completely neglect this. This means when I have the opportunity I will do strength work and if possible in March when I re-evaluate and determine goals for the next 90 days it may become a goal. 

For me, I am setting 2 major goals, first is to get my threshold pace down to 9:00 from 9:30 and to lose 10 pounds. Within that there are other objectives I will add to help me get to my goal. 

What are your fitness/wellness goals for 2021? What are goals you can work towards with what you have right now (including limitations due to COVID) ? How might this shift your focus? 

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